

Solving the Unsolvable Problem with Tini Lux Founder & CEO Jackie Burke

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” I wasn’t looking to start a business. But the more I started digging, I realized there was no solution out there.”

Jackie Burke wasn’t interested in being an entrepreneur. As an engineer, she was very risk-averse. But when her own skin allergy had her searching for a hypoallergenic earring and coming up empty, she felt called to solve a problem – and in the process, started a business, Tini Lux, that has since become a solution for folks with sensitive ears everywhere.

Ideas Can Take You Strange Places (3:00)

Jackie never thought she would be an entrepreneur. As an engineer, she’s always been very risk-averse. But sometimes, an idea can take you places you didn’t expect.

“I never really thought I was going to be an entrepreneur…I thought it was just too risky.”

Entrepreneurship is Always a Risk (8:30)

No matter how careful you try to be, starting a business is a risk. The only thing you can do is try to take precautions to mitigate the risk as much as you can. Jackie kept two jobs for years, waiting for the right moment to take the leap to full-time entrepreneur. But even then, you can’t control everything.

“I didn’t leave my job until 2020…it was still scary. People weren’t really sure at that point whether retail would make a comeback.”

Find a Network (13:00)

Launching a business is difficult – and it’s even more difficult when you’re doing it alone. Finding a network of entrepreneurs to help answer questions can make you feel less alone.

“They’d meet once a month to bring in an expert in a different area to educate all the different startup founders.”

About the Guest:

Jackie Burke wasn’t interested in being an entrepreneur. As an engineer, she was very risk-averse. But when her own skin allergy had her searching for a hypoallergenic earring and coming up empty, she felt called to solve a problem – and in the process, started a product that has since become a household name. 

This season of the Journey is produced by Mission.org and brought to you by UPS. To learn how UPS can help your small business, go to UPS.com/pivot.

Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org


Episode 117