

Comeback Kid with Tonio DeSorrento

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Tonio DeSorrento (Twitter, LinkedIn) is the CEO of Vemo Education, a highly successful company dedicated to expanding access to higher education. But he didn’t start there. In fact, his first business crashed and burned so hard, he left the world of entrepreneurship altogether. And it would be years before he found his way back.

“I made a six-figure mistake… I made a huge mistake. I didn’t do enough diligence. I didn’t know what that even meant. So, it was really hard.”

Have you ever been so excited by an idea that you were blinded by it? Maybe the passion was so real that you chased it without stopping to ask important questions. You followed your instincts and impulses, believing that they could never lead you astray.

Plenty of entrepreneurs and businesses start out this way. From the outside, everything looks great. It’s working, and everyone is fueled by the same spark — the same wild hope: we’re doing it. Some of theses sparks catch, igniting an idea into a full-on business. And some don’t.

Through Tonio’s story, we learn that even when we think we can’t fail, we will. There will always be challenges to overcome. The question is, will you keep getting back up, or let those challenges keep you from accomplishing your dreams?

Listen to Tonio’s journey and learn how he turned his initial failures into a major comeback.


Episode 10