

How Future Cities Are Being Created with Don McGuire, CMO, Qualcomm

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“Jump through and ask questions later.”


Key Insights

What do future cities look like? (25:34)

Future cities will bring a whole new level of connectedness. You won’t be refined to your office to work and check emails. You could do it from under a tree in the park. People will be able to opt into new opportunities, like being reminded to pick up cereal when they walk past it in the grocery store. There will be a lot of new and exciting ways for people, and brands, to connect and work together cohesively.

Can a large company still act like a startup?

Qualcomm has over 46,00 employees. Their big advantage is that they still act like a startup. They are able to remain nimble. They are allowed to try new things, and stay ahead on trends that are happening. 

Can NFTs and the metaverse be strategic for brands? (43:40)

The metaverse is something that won’t be owned by one entity. It’s going to be a much more complex solution – but it will give brands a new chance to really engage with customers. Beyond that, it will give brands a chance to be relative. No matter the event, a brand can be there – in person or virtual. 

About the Guest:

Seasoned marketing leader with 25 years of experience, working across service provider, device OEM, content/applications, and semiconductor industries. A decisive, high-energy, and open-door leader with an eye for the bottom line. Proudly creating innovative marketing campaigns and collaborative partnerships to bring the most cutting-edge products to market, including the latest in 5G technologies, as Qualcomm CMO.

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Episode 306