

Optimism in the Face of Uncertainty with Kmele Foster

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Kmele Foster (Twitter, Website) is an optimist. He’s not blind to the challenges facing the world. As a former cable news anchor, he’s keenly aware of daunting global issues, including the pitfalls of a 24-hour news cycle. But he also knows there are independent thinkers out there working tirelessly to fix those problems. Kmele co-founded Freethink Media to showcase the problem-solvers going toe-to-toe with the world’s biggest threats.

“We’ve never been better positioned to be able to tackle the world’s big problems. We think that’s the most important and under-explored story of our time. The things that people might do today and tomorrow could change the course of human history for the better, so we want to tell that story.”

There’s no doubt the world faces some frightening unknowns. There are seemingly endless worries about political leadership, the environment, the economy, and more. But Kmele is an optimist, not in spite of rapid change, but because of it. He co-founded Freethink Media to produce inspiring documentaries and written editorials about the scientists, entrepreneurs, and innovators making today the best time to be alive. Yes, the world may be grappling with its biggest challenges ever. But if you ask Kmele, the tools to create the boldest solutions, are right in front of us.


Episode 27