

Talent Acquisition in Trucking: A Conversation with Transport America’s Lisa Gonnerman

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Last year, the US trucking industry brought in 792 billion dollars of revenue and had over 2 million heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers operating on the roads. Needless to say, trucking is a massive industry, and operating competitively in such a complex industry isn’t easy. But one trucking company that stands out in all that noise is Transport America.

Joining us today is Lisa Gonnerman, the Vice President of Safety and Security at Transport America. Lisa has over 28 years of experience in transportation and safety management, is an active member in the American Trucking Association, and was named the ATA National Safety Director of the Year in 2016.

So what makes Lisa and Transport America different?

Their people.

Lisa prides herself on the exceptional team of drivers that Transport America has been able to attract through its unique, driver-focused culture and its commitment to safety.

Today, Lisa shares her experiences getting into the industry, specifically as a woman in a largely male-dominated field. Plus, tune in to find out how Transport America keeps top employees, and how they’ve gone about implementing systems of safety that stick.


Episode 8