Stephanie and Albert dive deep into the tech that rocked the boat in the past year. Steph tells us why the metaverse was overhyped (at least for retail businesses), but why she is still betting on AI. Albert believes knowing how to use AI will become “table stakes” for employment in the future.
Most Recent Episodes
Join us as we go down the Mission Daily rabbit hole. Steph and Albert discuss what you can expect to hear on our newly rebooted daily podcast.
Breaking into new markets requires experimentation. But the experiments you run don’t have to break the business. Albert shares his two rules for running effective business experiments.
The next stop on the rollercoaster: Getting two lawsuits dropped on the company… at the same time… by the same person.
Chad and Steph dive into the complicated relationship between humans and technology. Plus, they share what they've been reading and thinking on this week.
Steph and Chad discuss ideas on becoming the author of your own life, learning to laugh at yourself, and making your life a story you would love to read.
What are "well-reasoned critiques?" What are “unreasoned critiques?” How does it feel to receive both of them? Find out on today's episode.
The people around you right now are there for a reason. Will you recognize this and build deeper connections, or continue keeping them at an arm's length?
Chad and Steph discuss why there's no better way to close loops in your unconscious and conscious minds than by reconnecting with old friends.