

The Story Is What Sells

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While it may seem like we are further apart than we’ve ever been before, we have actually never been more connected than we are today. That’s a lesson that Heather Craft and her team at Hotwire Global have learned first-hand. With offices around the world, Craft and her team have had to rely on internal communication strategies to keep their clients satisfied. How have they done that? On this episode of Marketing Trends, Heather breaks down exactly how her team stays connected, and why those strategies are important. Plus, she explains why the relationship between employee and brand has never been more important.

Main Takeaways

  • Inter-Communication Rises in Need: In order to be the best in this department, you need to have a fundamental understanding of the information that the client needs, but you also need to grasp that you won’t have all those answers. Understand your strengths, then rely on your internal team to fill-in the gaps where you don’t have the answers.
  • Let Me Tell You a Story: The ability to tell a compelling and engaging story has always been at the intersection of where PR and marketing meet. As the two become more interwoven, you need to make sure the stories you are telling are consistent across all channels, not just one.
  • Employee Meet Brand, Brand Meet Employee: The relationship between the employee and the brand they work for is more important than ever. Oftentimes, this relationship has been at the lower part of the pecking order, but as employees seek to work for companies they can align their values with and respect, the significance of this relationship has grown in need.

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Episode 148