

Taking an Agile Approach to Marketing with Capacity Director of Content Marketing, Jennifer Sabin

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Missed deadlines, delays, and projects that never see the light of day. These things are the bane of any marketer’s existence, but they are the common obstacles that arise with any kind of project. The true challenge of marketing is much deeper than that.

“The biggest challenge of marketing is to build brand awareness of your product or service in a way that resonates with customers to the point that they cannot live without your product. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling to consumers or businesses, you need to utilize technology to be able to answer questions at all hours of the day and night so customers don’t leave your site to head over to a competitor.”

Those are the words of Jennifer Sabin, the Director of Content Marketing at Capacity, and it’s her belief that to solve that big challenge, marketers need to be laser-focused on two things: customer acquisition and retention. On this episode of Marketing Trends, Jennifer explains what she means, and she also details why an agile approach to marketing is the best way for marketers to keep up with demanding workflows.

Main Takeaways

  • Agile Marketing: Planning and prioritization are the heartbeats of any agile marketing approach. When taking an agile marketing approach, teams should be assigned due dates with full transparency on the timeline of each project. This kind of workflow gives teams the ability to collaborate freely with one another, while also giving team members the freedom to create a process that will allow them to meet the expectations that were set.
  • Does Your Content Fit?: Not every piece of content will resonate with every potential buyer, but every piece of content that you create should resonate with a particular buyer segment. When developing your content, make sure you know who your target audience is, where they are in their customer journey, and make sure that the content you are presenting them is the right content to resonate with their specific needs.
  • Data-Driven World: Every marketing decision you make should be rooted in data. Make sure you are using every analytics tool at your disposal, from Google Analytics to Salesforce’s dashboard, to see where your customers are engaging with your content. By following the data, you can easily and quickly pivot your marketing strategy and funds to campaigns or ads that are performing better to help optimize your marketing spend.

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Episode 208