Aaron Gerlitz (Twitter, LinkedIn) returned to the IT Visionaries podcast to discuss some of the insights he learned listening to the CIO Roundtable No. 2 episode with host Ian Faison.
Aaron breaks down for the listeners exactly what it means to be a vendor versus a partner. He details his favorite vendor story, and then reveals how the voice of the customer is one of the most important feedback loops for a company to keep an eye on.
Aaron’s favorite vendor story:
In Afghanistan, Aaron was working in a country-level network operations center working with vendors to get line of sight communications and operations up and running. The vendor that was providing links in the country was not providing information about outages and updates, so the communication was not where it needed to be. It took time to build and establish a new relationship and by asking basic questions, and it led to the vendor being held accountable for things they weren’t accountable for in the past. By doing an overall analysis and providing a report to the vendor that detailed what was happening – how the problems were fixed in the past and what solutions might be best – a mutually beneficial relationship was built.
Thoughts on the voice of the customer:
Voice of the customer is just a feedback loop. You shouldn’t expect that having a need will result in the provider installing an immediate solution. But, if they hear the same problem from multiple people, they know how to prioritize. Communicating those priorities and ensuring you have a stable product are important for any provider.
“You don’t want to be the guy that’s crying wolf all the time,” Aaron says.
There has to be governance – and a point person – who investigates customer requests and determines if the request will help the customer and the company. The CIO gets engaged when you have fundamental issues, but when you’re talking about enhancing the customer voice – that should get run through a business partner.
Listen to more of Aaron’s insights here.