

Crayola’s Brand Marketing Challenges

Recently on the Marketing Trends podcast, Victoria Lozano, EVP of Marketing for Crayola, discussed the evolving role of brand marketing, the importance of creativity, and the power of partnerships. She emphasized that marketing is no longer just about advertising and promotions, but about all the touch points a brand has in consumers’ lives to create brand recognition. She also highlighted the need for marketers to focus on both brand identity and brand storytelling, and she talked about the impact of AI in marketing, emphasizing the need to use it smartly and not get caught up in sensationalism.

Building Brand Recognition

According to Lozano, marketing is no longer just about advertising and promotions, but about all the touch points a brand has in consumers’ lives. It is through these touchpoints that brands can reach their target audience to build brand recognition and loyalty. And the more times you reach your target, the more customer engagement you will see.

Customer Engagement Strategies

Brands need to create 360-degree engagement with consumers, leveraging various touch points such as products, experiences, content, and partnerships.

“We have a model at Crayola that’s around 360-degree engagement,” Lozano said. “You see brands getting into entertainment and location-based entertainment and gaming… Those are not other parts of the business. Those are all parts of marketing.

“I think as marketers, we have to fundamentally shift how we think about what our roles are and how we activate the brand.”


A Legacy Brand’s Marketing Strategy

Lozano said that making changes within a legacy brand can be challenging, but articulating a clear mission and purpose can help guide the process. Clarity in brand mission and language is essential to eliminate debates and focus on delivering a powerful and consistent brand experience.

“What has stayed really constant is what this brand stands for, what it represents, what it means in consumers’ lives,” Lozano said. “As a marketer, that is such a rare thing. I’ve worked on so many other businesses that used to mean something and have gotten diluted over time, and then you’re constantly in that mode of relaunch. And how do I recapture that essence?

“Crayola is in a very enviable position of being as strong and as vibrant as it’s ever been. It’s very special, but at the same time, it’s a little daunting. Because A, don’t screw it up, and then B, how do you continue to build it? For a brand that has that much strength already, how do you leave it even stronger than you found it?”

She explained her marketing strategy on her episode of Marketing Trends. Check it out!


AI’s Role in Marketing

According to Lozano, AI is a valuable tool in marketing, but it should be used as a point of input rather than the final output, with human oversight and touch.

“AI is real,” Lozano said. “It’s here, it’s growing, and we need to fundamentally shift what we do and how we do to leverage the technology. I think we need to be nimble and responsive in doing so as marketers.”

She cautioned not to fall into the sensationalism trap, and explained that AI has been part of our lives for a long time, we just may not have noticed.

“No matter what tools or platforms you use within marketing, especially within digital marketing, retail media, ecommerce, a lot of the tools that you might already be using are naturally incorporating AI in their tools,” she said. “So you may or may not actually be aware of, but you are using it already.”

It’s where you’re bringing AI into your business in new ways that Lozano sees opportunity.

“We as a company are looking at some specific tools that we can use to help drive our business,” she said. “For marketing, some of the low-hanging fruit is really around copy and image generation and editing. There’s a tremendous amount of data and support around the fact that it is not only high on feasibility but also high on return.”

Best Marketing Advice

Lozano concluded her interview with a bit of advice for marketers: you need to combine your brand marketing knowledge with general business acumen.

“Success is always a combination of building the brand and building the business,” she said. “And as any marketer, especially as you’re entering the industry, learn what you need to learn, and experience what you need to experience to be able to do both.”
